Dark Mode Theme for Google Chrome

A dark theme for Chrome designed to improve the browsing experience for everyone. It's simplistic, elegant, and professional.

Total ratings

3.95 (Rating count: 39)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and elegant design
  • Works well across multiple operating systems (MacOS, Windows)
  • Beautiful and unobtrusive appearance
  • Highly rated and loved by many users
  • Seamless integration with macOS menu bar
  • Difficulty in removing or uninstalling the theme
  • Does not display properly on certain devices (e.g., Lenovo Chromebook)
  • Not as advertised for some users with menu visibility issues
Most mentioned
  • Users love the overall aesthetic and simplicity of the theme
  • Several users expressed difficulty in how to remove the theme
  • Users have praised its compatibility with various systems and designs
See reviews for Dark Mode Theme for Google Chrome on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.95
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Rating filters

5 star
76% (16)
4 star
5% (1)
3 star
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14% (3)
1 star
5% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Katelyn Yen
en I have a Lenovo chromebook and the theme does not show it is just the regualer chrome os. so please fix this, and I will give a better rating.
Aizat Hawari
en Absolutely amazing. When tab is active, the white line is on top of the tab. Beautiful, simplified and dark. LOVE IT. Thank you ;)
en I cant remove this anymore, please answer for help
Amaury Lopez
en Simple and elegant, my favorite dark theme so far.
en why i cannot delete this?
Samet Şirin
tr çok güzel olmuş tam istediğim gibi sadece pencere kısımlarını siyahlaştırıyor.Ama kaldırmak istediğimde nerden kaldıracağımı bulamadım ;(
Himanshu Sahay
en Simple, clean and unobtrusive. Doesn't need to be any more than that
Graf Orlok
en Epic!
Justin “Sparky” Waller
en great theme! 5 stars!
en WOW It Works Perfectly on MacOS, WIndows 10, 8, 7 , And Even XP!
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