Guilty Crown 05 - 1920x1080

This is the Guilty Crown Anime theme Optimized For Google Chrome This theme has been made for screens using 1920x1080. the theme…

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 28)
See reviews for Guilty Crown 05 - 1920x1080 on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.50

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Amy Davis
en I really like it but the creators tag in the left corner is so big it draws the eyes attention and takes away from the theme a bit for me.
The Irregular
en Been using this theme for a while (couple years) and I think it's my favorite, especially with the sss from angel beats!
en Very good Design!
ZaCloud StriFair
en Very nice. Beautiful picture, and it creates a nice effect on my toolbar. However, the image portions in the toolbar and the New Tab background don't quite line up correctly as in the preview image. That's only a minor complaint, though. I also appreciate the fact that the "active" tab is differentiated from the background tabs, via different text color. That's very useful for me, as I often have many tabs open. The only real problem is that the cyan text of the background tabs, and light blue text of the bookmark tabs, are hard to read over the bright yellowish area in the background. I would suggest perhaps using white, certain shades of gray, purple, pink, or a slightly dark red, perhaps? If that gets fixed, this'll definitely get 5 stars from me.
2018-09-19 A Google user magnifico
A Google user
it magnifico
en Very nice art!
zh 美美美
ka ka
zh 头被挡住了,只能看到瞎半身