Paranoid Web Extension

Secure Shopping, Child Protection, Block Adult sites, Casino, and Dangerous Sites

Total ratings

3.74 (Rating count: 38)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps identify scam websites
  • Provides alerts for suspicious sites
  • Has saved users from being scammed
  • Useful for safe online shopping
  • Can block legitimate sites
  • May slow down Chrome's performance
  • User frustration with inability to whitelist sites
  • Negative impact on legitimate businesses
Most mentioned
  • Issues with blocking legitimate sites like
  • Performance issues causing slow page loading
  • Concerns about labeling legitimate businesses as scams
  • Appreciation for the extension's scam detection capabilities
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 3.74
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Rating filters

5 star
54% (20)
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11% (4)
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11% (4)
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19% (7)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Gandalf Mithrandir
en there needs to be a way to allow some sites that you are blocking one site especially is while some people may have had a problem with the site i have ordered from them many times and never had a problem with them. i would like to be able to mark it as a safe site and not have to deal with it being blocked all the time.
Christopher Steenkamp
en It does pick up some scam sites. I am sure it makes mistakes and alerts some non scam sites. It did make my chrome very slow though. Especially YouTube, it took almost 2 minutes to load a YouTube page, every page. So had to disable it. I almost got scammed though and after installing this extension, I realised I could have saved myself the stress knowing it was a scam website.
Ron B
en is a legitimate business with no problems or complaints on record. It is several months old and doesn't contain any insecure or objectionable material. We are NOT and have NEVER scammed ANYONE! I don't appreciate being categorized as a "scam" by the flimsiest of reasons. Please remove this legitimate site from your list of scammers.
Jean-Luc Indermühle
fr Avec le site de Temu, je n'ai jamais été déçu. Toujours reçu ce que j'avais commandé, dans les temps. Il faut juste être attentif de ne pas se laisser tenter d'acheter de manière compulsive !
Solomon Ajayi
en I am Solomon, please be informed that is not a scam. it is the new drop shipping website I just got from I have never been involved in any scam and neither do I intend to start or engage in any fraudulent activity. thanks
Анатолий Харламов
ru Спасибо! Помогает при попытках совершать безопасные покупки на незнакомых сайтах.
Aida Jankauskaite
lt Labai geras plėtinys. Tik kartais blokuoja ir tikrai patikimas svetaines, kuriose apsipirkau ne kartą.
Gary Mills (Lilhemp420)
en Well, I order A few things from this site and I never got my order or my money replaced I'm out $150. How do I contact with my information I saved? I've even paid few dollars extra for shipping insurance.
Aloyse Raynaud
fr Merci de nous rendre attentifs aux sites dangereux. En effet, trop facilement l'on se fait piéger !
Josef Mayr
de Danke für diesen wertvollen Hinweis
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