Auto Tab Mute

Automatically mutes background tabs

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 21)

Review summary

  • Effectively mutes inactive tabs
  • No lag when switching between tabs
  • Easy to use and does exactly what users expect
  • Stopped working for some users recently
  • Lacks a whitelist feature
  • Absence of a blacklist option
Most mentioned
  • The need for whitelist and blacklist options
  • Recent performance issues
  • Overall effective in muting tabs
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Auto Tab Mute on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.57

Rating filters

5 star
80% (8)
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10% (1)
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1 star
10% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Darrel Eddings
en One thing would make this perfect: A white list that leaves any tab not on it muted. Thank you very much.
Лев Александрович Буймистрюк
ru работает
Hyen Tech
en Nice, able to switch between champions league games on tabs and have it auto focus the top tab and mute the others.
Jonathon Surles
en Does exactly what I want it to do, no complaints.
Barock Obamo
fr Je viens d'installer cette extension et apparemment elle remplie complètement sa fonction, à savoir de laisser actif l'onglets en cours et désactiver les autres. A voir dans le temps..
Banya Rola
en I have used this for years and no problems until a few days ago and it stopped working and it only works if I select the closed tab from the new chrome search tab feature and select the tab from there... Anyway, it just isn't working properly like it did .. Thanks Banyarola
Julien Robinson
en doesnt even work.
Aadithya Rao
en i was wondering if you could have a blacklist option too, would be really helpful. otherwise amazing extention
en 很好用 Awesome. A suggestion: When I playing a music in background, then a foreground tab plays a few second of sound, after the short sound I want the background music automaticly back to playing. is that possible? sorry for my poor english.
Mike D
en Works great, no lag, does exactly what you expect it to do.