Reviews of Hellsing_Theme

List of user reviews and ratings for Hellsing_Theme

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 655)

Review summary

  • Favorite theme for many long-term users
  • Cool and great quality design
  • Unique artwork appreciated by anime fans
  • Looks stylish and badass
  • Image does not fit the screen properly
  • Icons and text difficult to read due to blending with background
  • Inactive tabs hard to read
  • Text color is too dark
Most mentioned
  • Image does not fill or fit the screen properly
  • Text and icon legibility issues
  • Overall aesthetic appeal and cool factor
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.75
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Rating filters

5 star
88% (187)
4 star
6% (13)
3 star
2% (4)
2 star
1% (2)
1 star
2% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jack Wingate
en This has been my default chrome theme for YEARS. It is my absolute favorite and I will never change it.
Alan Stott
en It looks cool, but the problems really shine through as soon as it is applied. The image does not fit to fill and then finding icons and much of the text on the page is difficult to see because they blend in to the background. Definity needs some fine tuning. Icons and text for one should be black or something that will stand out against all of the red in the background it is not bad overall but it is not practical for long term or medium term usage because of the flaws with the text and icons basically being invisible. I give this 3/5 stars because of it's cool factor but right at the moment that is all that is going for it at this time. Fix the image fill by making it dynamically find and fit to users screen resolution and fix the text and Icons legibility and it will have earned a 5 star rating
Deacon Ferrao
en looks so cool
Mạnh Quân Trần
vi Rất đẹp
Shadow Beneath The Crown (sbtc)
en again wont fill or fit the screen seems like no one can awesome
Ami Xion
en Pretty badass depending on your screen resolution. Great quality. The font color could use some adjusting, but I think that can be adjusted individually.
es me encanto(☞゚ヮ゚)☞(。^▽^)Lo recomiendo de anime >:D es gore uwu
Ana Laura
Me encanta \nwn/ (灬♥ω♥灬)
Tota Alamri
Slump Supreme
sv Alexander is a bi-och.
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