Salesforce Change Set Turbo

Create change sets faster than ever! Boost your productivity with this google chrome change set helper extension!

Total ratings

4.44 (Rating count: 34)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Saves time and makes deployments easier and faster.
  • Great functionality for uploading components via CSV.
  • User-friendly compared to standard Salesforce change sets.
  • Excellent tool that enhances change set management.
  • Highly praised by multiple users for its effectiveness.
  • Not compatible with Salesforce Lightning change sets.
  • Stopped working for some users after updates.
  • Issues with displaying items in view mode.
  • CSV upload functionality not clear for some users.
  • Limitations in functionality with simple change sets.
Most mentioned
  • CSV documentation and usage.
  • Compatibility with Salesforce Classic vs. Lightning.
  • User experiences with functionality failures.
  • Time-saving capabilities.
  • Praise for improving user experience with change sets.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.44
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Chris Richard
en The extension hasn't stopped working. It is only working for Salesforce Classic change sets though. This is because the whitelisting is for - https://** , could this be updated to include Lightning URL's for change sets. Seems we are unable to edit the whitelist.
Amit Asolkar
en Not working
Timothy Greenwood
en Great Plugin. Need CSV Documentation. To Use CSV: Create a CSV with column headings. (Column Headings must match the Change Set Type) for e.g. "Custom Object" the CSV only needs to have 1 column called "Name" and then each row will be the Object Names. NOTE* There needs to be a blank row with any value (I used the value of "1") as the code doesn't grab the last row, it just loops through each row except for the last row. However, if you create a "blank" row with the value of "1" it will grab all the rows above it. Click Upload Components via CSV button and then click "Mark" it will then look through that UI list against your CSV list and mark any that it finds. Hope this helps everyone. Cheers, #salesforcebros
en In view mode nothing shows up despite my change set having 300+ items in it. Is the a limit with the tool?
en This is impressive!
Yakau Verameyeu
en Though it fails with opening simple changeset and works only on changing it, it is awesome tool that saves lots of time!
Olivier Lemaire
en Love it, what SF product management should have done 10 years ago.
Markus Koch
en !! Best !! Addon !! Ever !! ... Seriously, if I had to chose only one addon to use, this one would it be without any doubt. Saves me hours of frustration about how userUNfriendly normal changsets are.
ankita das
en Very helpful extension. This will make deployments a lot easier and faster. Kudos!!
Andrew Raymond
en Awesome job! Not sure how I would use the upload components from csv.
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