Keyboard Shortcuts to Close Other/Right Tabs

Chrome extension adding shortcuts for closing and pinning tabs.

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 75)

Review summary

  • Works for closing tabs as advertised
  • Can customize keyboard shortcuts
  • Useful for managing multiple tabs
  • Saves time when navigating through tabs
  • Default shortcuts cannot be modified easily
  • Sometimes closes tabs from the wrong window
  • Requires the tab to be fully loaded to function correctly
  • Has permission access to view browsing history, which raises privacy concerns
Most mentioned
  • Need to allow users to modify default shortcuts
  • Issues with tabs closing from the wrong window
  • Desire for a shortcut to close the tab to the left
  • Extension functionality is impacted by Chrome updates
  • Works on multiple browsers like Edge and has keyboard shortcuts support
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.29
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Now the "Alt-Shift-R" shortcut key is not responding. I've tried other shortcuts and they work fine.
Luke McDaniel (Inn0cent_Bystander)
en Primarily got it to add a shortcut for un/pinning tabs. It does exactly what it says on the tin. Stars are removed, however, because you can't modify what shortcuts are used. That is a basic functionality of ANYTHING adding hotkeys. We NEED to be able to edit that, not only for personal preference/workflow, but also in case of conflicts.
Edi Amin
en Thank you, works perfectly for me.
Santiago Herrera
en Bug: if you have two windows A and B open with multiple tabs in each, when you're on A and use this extension, sometimes it closes all tabs from B instead of A. Very annoying.
Đorđe Jović
en ✅ Works, but not useful. What is really needed today is Close tabs to the left, since that is the option missing from ALL browsers for YEARS now, for whatever dumb reason they all decided to remove it...
en It used to be a useful extension. However, due to the update, it can no longer be used properly. Now it won't work until another tab is fully loaded. Moreover, the tab to be closed is determined when the process is actually executed. Therefore, if you switch the tab you are operating before it is executed, the tab you did not intend will be closed. If all tabs are always loaded, there should be no problem. Of course, such an operating environment is not possible.
света ивановна
ru перестало работать
Mithilesh TEELOCK
en @teel0ck
shobhit kwatra
en Does not work
Tajinder Singh
en Follow these steps to modify the default shortcut keys 1. Type "chrome://extensions/shortcuts" in chrome browser address bar. 2. Scroll down on the page and search for "Keyboard Shortcuts to Close Other/Right Tabs" section. 3. You will see "Close Tabs to the right" on the left and select your key on the right. 4. That's it. Done. I have only tried this on the Chrome browser on my Mac Monterey. Hope it helps. Thanks.
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