Gangster Nation

Free online multi-player gangster game.

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3.40 (Rating count: 10)
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Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.40

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en This game is terrible. If you beat the admins at the game they will ban you. Makes it literally unplayable. Just a bunch of little children yelling at each other in chat acting like they are gang members. I beg you to not waste your time on this game. The admins will just ban you and take your items and money. It happened to me multiple times, never broke a single rule, never even said one thing in chat. Game is rigged to just steal money and time from new players.
Ashlee Orwin
en Game allows cyber bullying and screwed me over good and now im banned i also heard the owner of the game or something always rigs the game by giving free stuff to their friends.
Angela Schwab
en i played since 2007 awsome game
Daniel Wilson
en Absolutely awful.
Dale Walker
en Real good game easy to get the hang of ;)