ShadyVault - Encrypted storage for Chrome OS

Provides an encrypted storage for Chrome OS

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3.31 (Rating count: 13)
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Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.31
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Rhonda Clark
en it does NOT work it lets you add it but you cant open it to read it at all so whats the point to get peoples files and you encypt it yourself and see there secrets seems to me like a peeping tom
Jessica Holcim
en yall are the worst
Gavin Herbert
en Sorry guys, It doesn't work If you copy something into it and it ask for the password just click cancel and you can get access to the files. And for all i know it took a copy of my files
Leandro Felipe
en App is great, iam still novice level !!
Javier Zamora
en awesome Mr. I wish you the very best in the future I just started using it and it seems like its really helpful , I love the UI, has a nice looking.
cel burke
en Was unable to load vault with one file in it. Working from Chromebook on experiment to be if it can work with Chromebook and aligning Google drive. Can see the names vault, cannot open to include an additional file. Wondering if I exceeded the limit, or it doesn't play nice with Chromebook? Thanks for any clarification.
frtrick hikf
en Honestly an amazing app. saved my life
Joseph Lombardo
en shadyvault helps encrypt your files
en Appreciate the effort but didn't work on my ASUS ChromeBox 3. Trying to use on an SD-CARD. Doesn't seem to like to do that. Is there a maximum recommended size file? Also, filenames are stored in the clear so beware.
David Fowler
en Unfortunately it doesn't work on my Chromebook (Acer Chromebook Spin 311). The app installs, I can create a vault and see it in file manager but never prompts for a password when accessing and files placed in the folder are not encrypted. Chrome OS version is 83.0.4103.112 (Official Build) (64-bit).
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