Reviews of Twitter/X Ad Blocker

List of user reviews and ratings for Twitter/X Ad Blocker

Total ratings

4.27 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • Blocks ads effectively
  • Regular updates to adapt to changes
  • Simple and user-friendly design
  • No elevated permissions required
  • Removes unwanted side panels
  • Ads still appear for some users
  • Only works if Twitter is set to English
Most mentioned
  • Works perfectly
  • Great extension
  • Highly recommended
  • Very simple plug and play design
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Twitter/X Ad Blocker on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.56
All time rating average: 4.27

Rating filters

5 star
89% (8)
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
11% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jordi J. Canals
ca Perfecte. Bloca els anuncis i em permet veure X sense tots aquells molestos anuncis. A banda, van fent actualitzacions per adaptar-se als canvis d'aquella xarxa.
Kitty Kam
en as of 6/8/2024, ads are still showing up on my feed.
dave wilson
en Twitter is once again usable thanks to this extension. I also used xcode to convert this automatically for use in Safari on my Mac and iPad. So cool! To the developer, I say "THANK YOU".
William “Cooper” Scott
en Works perfectly. Needs no elevated permissions. Simple. Stays out of your way. Great extension!
Juan D Chacón
es A la primera funcionó. Ya tengo AdBlock tanto para Instagram como para twitter. Ojalá salga alguno efectivo para facebook.
Skep TSys
en This useful app removes the news/ads/messages side panel from twitter. Well done and useful.
Uh Nah
en Not sure why people aren't rating this ext, it actually works very impressed with its very simple plug and play design. Highly recommended, buy this bro a coffee!
Ferris G
zh 非常好的体验 比另一款广告屏蔽插件使用起来更加无感,5星推荐·111
Charles Lee Ray
pt Só funciona se o idioma do Twitter estiver em inglês.