Night Walk

Night Walk: By Lynne Hardy

Total ratings

4.85 (Rating count: 26)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful colors and art.
  • Easy on the eyes; visually appealing.
  • Peaceful and inclusive design that resonates with cultural themes.
  • Not available as a background for Chromebook, which limits usability.
  • Some users expressed a desire for more features.
Most mentioned
  • Stunning color and design.
  • Overall positive visual impact and experience.
  • Cultural resonance and connection with the artwork.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.85
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73% (11)
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27% (4)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Love Cook
en Beautiful colors and art.
Jackson Miller
en Stunning color and art <3 love it!!
Jazz Mota
it encantevole! Grazie!!
Chloe Dang
en love the color <3
Cheryl Kinnaman
en I am not an American Indian. I have worked as a teacher with the Umaha, (Omaha)Ponca, Sioux, and Winnebago Tribes in the state of Nebraska. They taught me so much. I am still learning everyday. I have been to several Pow-Pow's not just in Nebraska but in South Dakota and Iowa. I maintain contact with many of my adult parents, grandparents, students and their children. I continue to teach online, in my home and will be traveling there this summer. I charge not one dime, as I believe they are the first people on this earth. The US gov't have stolen so many things from them. I am familiar with, "the trail of tears." I grew up on a farm in NE Iowa, which I didn't like. My mother taught me several things 1. Be Kind 2. Be Strong 3. Have Faith in God,"Wakonda" and learn to read. She would say, "little one, you must read or you will NOT be able to achieve anything." We were poor as my biological father left us, I was 2.5 years old and my brother was an infant. I knew I wanted to teach or be a doctor to help children. In 1976 I graduated from High School, earned a scholarship. School didn't come all that easy for me but I loved reading, literature and Science. I attended a small college. I studied, worked 2-3 jobs on campus and off. In 1980 I received a degree in Sociology, Phycology and minored in Social Work. I drove across the state of Iowa and worked for DHS (Dept. of Human Services). I ended up being an expert witness in both Juv. and District Court. I then was a stay at home mom and returned to college to be a teacher. In 1991 I began my teaching career, I was hired in 1997 to teach in Nebraska. While teaching, I obtained my Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction and Reading Literacy. In 2015 I had to stop teaching due to medical reasons. There were many prayers from all the grandparents, parents and students. It was because of them that I was healed enough so that I could continue to teach. I lost my mom in Jan.2024 she was 92. She went to college at the age of 62 became a minister. She worked the streets of New York, did mission work in India, Ukraine and Africa. I thank all of you for making my World Happy and I still feel the safest on the reservations.
‫فرزاد آریا (‪BarberMan‬‏)‬‎
fa عالیه
Bad Boy
id verry nice
Soraya Azizah Dewi Pratiwi
en looks good!
Tyler Rhoades
en This artwork is beautiful and speaks to me, as I am also tribal. Thanks again!
it Molto bello ma purtroppo non esiste come sfondo per il chromebook, che senso ha?
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