HubSpot eSignatures by GetAccept

Electronic Signatures and Document Tracking for HubSpot CRM by GetAccept

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4.20 (Rating count: 10)
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All time rating average: 4.20

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Karen Chu
en The extension has a lot of potential to seamlessly integrate HubSpot and GetAccept but is quite buggy. Half the time, the "For Signing" button doesn't work, so I can't even send a document through the extension. When the button does work, the user experience is pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. The other downside to the integration is the way Hubspot workflows are set up with the GetAccept document activities. Only certain document activities are logged under the Contact activity, so we're not able to set up workflows for our Deals. Hope the developers are able to fix this in the next version.
Dorin Bogdan Mihalache
en It doesn't keep the login info and there is no way to hide it until I do so. Integration wit Hubspot is somehow limited, but the web version it works wonders for us.
Michael Cavallin
sv Otroligt omständigt att installera och få att fungera. Obefintlig guide i hur man genomför kopplingen.
Samir Smajic
en Great extension if you are running HubSpot and want to have control of your sales process from first touch to signed contract.