Save Page WE

Save a complete web page (as curently displayed) as a single HTML file that can be opened in any browser.

Total ratings

4.43 (Rating count: 406)

Review summary

  • Works as advertised and is effective for saving webpages.
  • Fast saving speed, with some users reporting saving many files in under a minute.
  • Reliable for archiving important content like articles and images.
  • User-friendly and effective compared to traditional methods like 'print to pdf'.
  • Widely recommended and praised by users.
  • Does not save all images or content from certain webpages, leading to incomplete saves.
  • Issues with saving hidden sections of pages unless they are expanded first.
  • Some users experience difficulties with functionality in different browsers like Vivaldi.
  • Limited options for customizing the save destination directory.
  • Inconsistent performance with complex webpages like those generated with DIV containers.
Most mentioned
  • Inability to save all images on certain pages.
  • Problems with saving hidden sections of content.
  • Fast and effective at saving webpages.
  • User dissatisfaction with 'print to pdf' alternatives.
  • Overall reliability and user preference for the extension.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.43
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Rating filters

5 star
73% (220)
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12% (35)
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5% (16)
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5% (16)
1 star
5% (15)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en It did not save any images on my last aliexpress customer care chat session and i can't find an option to save the page as pdf.
Mirwais Ahmadi
en Its perfect
Mick McGuinness
en Very good and does what I need
pt não funcionou pra mim
Facts mine And tips pro
en Brilliant. Upto 130 files in less then 1 minute
Accept Base
zh 有人可以解读其源码么? 里面有很多方法并不是很懂 例如: loadFailure loadResource loadResources loadSuccess newlineIndent rememberCSSImageURL rememberCSSImageURLs rememberCSSURLsInStyleSheet
M Yusuf
en Can I customize the destination directory where the website is saved?
Richard Boyd
en Very helpful extension and works very well.
James Ma
en excellent, productive
thanku ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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