
vi editor for any web page.

Total ratings

4.76 (Rating count: 143)

Review summary

  • Provides vim-like editing experience in Chrome
  • Highly effective for editing text in browser applications
  • Saves time by allowing direct editing in text boxes without needing external editors
  • Good support for basic Vim commands
  • Enhances productivity significantly for users familiar with Vim
  • Occasionally loses changes, leading to frustration for users
  • Limited support for advanced Vim commands
  • Crashes when using certain commands that exceed buffer limits
  • Lacks features like dark mode and larger editor window option
Most mentioned
  • Requires improvement for stability and reliability
  • Desire for additional Vim commands and features
  • Great for users who frequently use Vim for text editing
  • Needs better support for various web applications like Evernote and Confluence
  • Users express significant appreciation and fondness for the extension
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.76
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Rating filters

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78% (75)
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13% (12)
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1% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Igor Potceluev
en It's a best extension for vim-like edit mode but it's not very reliable. Sometimes I lose changes and it's frustrates.
Louis Hong
en magic, straight magic.
Daniel Trstenjak
en Really enjoying using it. It would be nice to have an option for a bigger than the text-edit editor window.
Alan Berezin
en This author deserves a Nobel prize. I wish I found this earlier.
Piotr Kowalski
en The only thing that makes me sad is that I should find it and use this extension long time ago ;-) Works stable and awesome. :colortheme=matrix :set fs (full screen) :set nofs (no full screen)
Rehan Lalani
en This is a life saver for Githup pull requests! Thank you for making this!
Grady Fort
en I love Wasavi! Thank you to the developers! I used to get annoyed with slow text editing in chrome to the point that I would open a blank Vs Code file just to have my vim key bindings. Now I can edit directly inside text boxes! What a time saver!
Kevin Luu
en Awesome extension. Super enjoyable and good to practice vi typing!
cuppajoe man
en Thank you!
ja vimerの夢が叶った感。最近はchrome上の作業が多いので何もかもvimキーバインドで作業が出来る。素晴らしい。 ダークモードが欲しい。
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