LockDown Browser for ALEKS

LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the exam environment within specific learning and assessment systems.

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1.00 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not work on Chromebook
    • Fails to install or run despite verification being successful
    • Frustration with repeated installation attempts without success
    • Overall negative user experience with multiple failures
    Most mentioned
    • Does not work on Chromebook
    • Issues with installation and functioning
    • User frustration and wasted time trying to make it work
    See reviews for LockDown Browser for ALEKS on Chrome Web Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 1.00
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    100% (11)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Brandee Jack
    en I have a Chromebook and it is not working...I have assignments due and it's saying it's not installed when it is...this is ridiculous
    zeida garcia
    en Not sure why Arizona State uses this for a math placement test and this does NOT work!! I have tried 2 different computers and yet this thing says not installed. Pathetic
    Nicholas Carter
    en thanks I thought it was just me: The SYSTEM Check verifies it is installed: Lockdown and video both. The ""CHROME I\NSTALLED" also varifies, yes, it is installed. When I go to the get started area it fails every time. - Any actionable conclusion?
    Ahmed Mohamed
    en This is actually infuriating, the hours I've wasted trying to get this to work. Adding and removing the extension I grew tired of it. It seems it only works once then it completely fails every other time.
    Roderick Robinson
    en Sadly this program doesn't work for Chromebook at all hopefully there taking the proper precautions to fix it.
    Jack Duncan
    en If it was possible to give it ZERO stars I would. Pointless stupid app!!!!!!!
    я лисица
    en If I could give this program 0 stars I would. I had this trying to set up one time, and it only worked that one time. Very aggravated and this has become nothing but a joke. deleted and re-downloaded to chrome and hands down the worst program I've tried to use while in college.
    Bode Jackson
    en It doesn't work?
    Julia Dean
    en This is horrible. I cannot get this to work on my chrome book. So how am I to take my test!!!
    Dajonae Nieves
    en Tried to actively take a test via Respondus and it does NOT work at all. I am very frustrated that this doesn't work with my Chromebook, now I have to contact my professor on a different option to take my exam.
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