Tags for YouTube™ - Easily view video tags
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Extension summary
Click the "Show more" button below the video description to see the tags.
Not working for you? Troubleshooting tips:
(1/3) Make sure to completely reload (F5) any YouTube™ browser tabs you had open before installation.
(2/3) Make sure the YouTube™ videos you viewed actually have tags. Try a few other channels. Some videos simply don't have tags.
(3/3) Make sure you don't have any conflicting extensions, user scripts, styles, etc. that modify the YouTube™ website.
If that doesn't help, leave a message in the support tab. If you do, please make it clear that you've tried the above, or I'll just refer you back here :-)
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Extension safety
Risk impact
Tags for YouTube™ requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
Tags for YouTube™ may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.
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