Trello Board Snapshot

Provides ability to copy all curent cards on a board into checklists on a single card.

Total ratings

3.92 (Rating count: 12)

Review summary

  • Works well for creating snapshots on a list-by-list basis.
  • Users find it useful for organizing cards into checklists.
  • Offers functionality that some users prefer compared to the overview description.
  • Many users are confused about how to use the extension due to lack of clear instructions.
  • Experiencing technical issues, particularly after updates.
  • The expected options (like Board Snapshot) are not available in the menu for many users.
Most mentioned
  • Did not find a Create List Snapshot option.
  • Requested video instructions for using the extension.
  • Issues after the last Google Chrome update.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Trello Board Snapshot on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.92

Rating filters

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33% (2)
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17% (1)
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33% (2)
1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mauro Perez
en Could not use. Did not find a Create List Snapshot option in the List Actions as someone else mentioned in their review, or find any instructions on how to use. Maybe it doesn't work anymore? Gave 2 stars because it sounds like a great! Would totally change my review if I could just figure out how to use it...
Cynthia Valdez
en Did not work at all, tried following the developer instructions, nothing happened, tried following the instructions in the comments, nothing happened. What a shame, would have been great if it actually worked.
Konstantin Ort
en don't work. Please send the video instructions!
Mike Urbonas
en This extension DOES work - just not the way it's described in the Overview. It actually works BETTER than the Overview description imo :) I created a new board with a test list and a few cards, plus another list titled Board Snapshots. Like others who posted under the Support section, I didn't get a Board Snapshot option in my menu. Nothing... But, I soon noticed under the List Actions menu I had a new Create List Snapshot option. I clicked on that, was prompted to authorize this extension, and got a snapshot of that list in the form of a new card with a checklist linking to all other cards in that list! So while I couldn't get a snapshot of the entire board, I can get snapshots on a list by list basis, which for me is even more useful than the Overview description! It shouldn't matter but I'm running OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 and Chrome is fully current.
en Works really well. Would be awesome if you could select a specific list to merge cards from. Say I want all the cards in the "In progress" list to be merged into a single card's checklist. A lot of times people add cards at a far too granular level, and it would be nice to drag all the cards into a list, then use this tool to merge all those into a single card. You already have the functionality, just need to be able to let user select the list. Ideally it would appear in the drop down menu for a list.
Christoph Ott
en Worked great since the last Google Chrome Update - > Infinite Callback Loop when Popup opens and asks for permissions... Please fix it, Love that feature !