
Calculator for Chrome!

Total ratings

3.60 (Rating count: 666)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works offline
  • Offers both simple and scientific calculator options
  • Supports large calculations (up to 64-bit)
  • Clean and nice interface
  • Generally reliable with few problems reported
  • Size is too small and hard to read
  • No option to expand or go full screen
  • Crashes in certain modes (e.g., browser mode)
  • Keyboard layout issues affecting input
  • Missing some basic functionalities like cut and paste
Most mentioned
  • The calculator is too small
  • Crashes or freezes when performing larger calculations
  • Good functionality but several design quirks
  • Need for accessibility improvements (font size and layout)
  • Request for unnecessary permissions (copy and paste access)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.60
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31% (22)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Teagan Hackney
en I loved it and its perfect
Allison VanBuskirk (Я устал)
en the icon looks clunky when opened it gets bigger not expandable
Budley Do-Right
en This extension continues to erode my enthusiasm for Chrome OS and Chromebook. What a disappointment. I can do only about 40% of what I need to do on a computer with Chromebook. I know, I know....Chromebooks target students and Chrome OS was never intended to be a full-service computer product. But, the longer I have this setup, the more I realize what I can't do. Simple cut and paste (not-available), making a shortcut on opening page (not-available), poor compatibility with what's on the web and, incredibly, no way to scan a document. When I get the time, I am going back to desktop or more hefty portable.
Joe Chitwood
en Love it, thank you. I really love the fact it runs offline.
AnActualFucking FURRY
en Worked like a charm, but I do have a few complaints, it's absoloutley too small, it's hard to read, for those with poor eyesight. It would not expand, there is no option to go into full screen either, leaving it as a good caculator that'd work perfectly, if it were easier to read, by what I mean is, you are hardly able to read it, as it goes with such a small zoom. This isn't much of a complaint, but when I go to switch windows, it would show the Exit and hide button on the window thumbnail.
A Google user
en Performing a factorial calculation that exceeds the capacity of the calculator causes it to freeze even to the point where it can't be closed. You either have to kill the session, log off, reboot, or uninstall the application. For obvious reasons, I chose the latter.
Robin Rausch
en This calculator is too small, with no way to expand. It doesn't show all the calculation if you are adding several numbers together so it makes it tough to check back to see if you missed anything. It was deleted and another took its place.
Emery Lieb
en horrible
Alexander Yakovlev
ru Нельзя скопировав вставить значение в калькулятор
Simon Lau
en nice and clean no frills
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