Reviews of Popup Blocker for Google Chrome™

List of user reviews and ratings for Popup Blocker for Google Chrome™

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 155)

Review summary

  • Blocks most pop-ups effectively
  • Easy to use and setup
  • Improves browsing speed
  • Generally well-rated by users
  • Can block important links, preventing access to certain sites
  • User interface issues with long URLs hiding important buttons
  • Pop-up notifications can be intrusive or unresponsive
  • Does not always function as intended, with reports of it not working at all
Most mentioned
  • Effectiveness in blocking pop-ups
  • Issues with hidden buttons due to long URLs
  • Overall user satisfaction despite some glitches
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Popup Blocker for Google Chrome™ on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.00
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Rating filters

5 star
56% (84)
4 star
16% (24)
3 star
3% (5)
2 star
6% (9)
1 star
18% (27)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Hoang Le
vi Tốt
tavuk oyuncu
en nice.
Gabriella Laguzzi
it Semplice e funionale. Tutto quello che si chiede ad un'estensione .
Mary Lee Morgan
en I'm very angry right now. I'm trying to get incessant ringing pop-ups to stop. They all say Google Chrome on them. I tried going to settings and turning off Google Chrome, and it decided that opening my email is a pop-up. I redid the setting and re-booted my computer. I still can't open my email, but get this weird box that won't respond even if I click "allow" etc.
Felipe Torres González
es EXCELENTE. Solo que aveces es un poco molesta.
ken turner
en it doesn't work
en Won't expand so that I can Select allow or deny
es es buena bloquea todo pero hay veces que hay links muy largos y no aparece la opciones de negar abrir en otra pestaña y permitir
Dylan Roberts Graterol Ramirez
es bueno
The Nameless Scientist
en Very Very Good :D
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