Material Blue Grey

Simple material design theme with blue grey color.

Total ratings

4.58 (Rating count: 71)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Minimalist and simple design
  • Clean and beautiful appearance
  • Grey/blue tabs that are low profile
  • Modern look
  • Good user experience without being overly colorful
  • Wish the tab section wasn't just white
  • Some users want better contrast in the UI elements
  • Header color could be improved to black
  • The theme doesn't perfectly fit for all screen sizes
  • Some elements of the New Tab page need color adjustments
Most mentioned
  • Desire for dark tabs instead of white
  • Preference for better contrast in UI
  • Appreciation for minimalist and modern design
  • Satisfaction with color scheme and low profile tabs
  • Requests for customization options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.58
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Nik -B
ru мне понравилось
en really nice
Nunna Kashyap
en can we change tab from white to dark? btw really cool theme
Charlie Landstrom
en I wish the tab section wasn't just white! Besides that is looks great :)
en i think my screen might be a little to big for this one
Feng Kevin
en Have been using the "flying paint" theme for years, and i finally got tired of it. Was looking for something minimalist style, tried a lot but found that the default chrome theme is actually the best. the others are either too dark, too bright, or too colorful as a child's pensil box. the most imporant is the content you read, and the most I read is just plain white. I don't need my tabs too "jumpy". My old theme served me well on that. This theme is my pick out of about 10 themes, the tabs are grey/blue, low profile enough to serve their roles, and I really love the new tab page, the material-like page reminds me of adventure, excitement, sci-fi, and those beautiful video games of surviving on an alien planet.
Jose de Araujo
en i love it
Lucas Abud
en beautiful
Christian “Christi” Perez M.
en Bestial
Generically Named
en its a good theme, but I wish that the top right buttons in the "New Tab" page were white and the recent pages section at the bottom white as well. I don't know, but it just feels like the background and the look of the User Interface don't seem to contrast each other very well. Besides that, it's a pretty good theme. With those improvements, I might consider using it.
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