Red Carbon Fiber

A Chrome theme built around red carbon fiber, brushed stainless steel, and brushed black stainless steel.

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Red Carbon Fiber on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.67
All time rating average: 3.67

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67% (2)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Keith N
en elements uncomfortable to read
en I really like this, I just wish it fit the resolution of my monitor which is set to 1920X1080, maybe there's an option to change that, I am unsure, if I knew how to change it to my resolution I'd rate it 5 Stars as it's very clean and nice.
en So far, I like it a lot! Just what I was looking for in terms of the metal look and the red color. Thank you. If I were to suggest anything, it would be to make the inactive tab fonts a little darker. :)