Reviews of Email templates for Gmail

List of user reviews and ratings for Email templates for Gmail

Total ratings

2.57 (Rating count: 100)

Review summary

  • Templates are a useful tool
  • Some users find the concept appealing
  • Works well when set up correctly
  • Cannot edit own templates once used
  • Support is unresponsive and unhelpful
  • Activation code link often does not work
  • Issues with finding the extension after installation
  • Frequent functionality problems and bugs
Most mentioned
  • Does not work well with Gmail or Chrome
  • Cannot edit templates after using
  • Support issues and lack of responsiveness
  • Problems with activation code and setup
  • Overall frustration with extension functionality
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Email templates for Gmail on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 2.57
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Rating filters

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48% (23)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
American Welcoming Association
en At first I thought it was great but it does not let you edit your own templates and the support does not give you anything to solve the issue. Ive taken three days to do an urgent email newsletter that should have taken an hour! it does not work well with gmail nor chrome as you cannot see the blocks or edit a template once you've used it. Find something else.
Octavio Garcia Lavergne
es para que aparezca el boton de plantillas hay que abrir la ventana de escritura com oventana independiente. EN modo compacto, pegada a la ventana principal de inbox no funciona, pero si sirve aunque aun no lo heprobado plenmente.
Ruy Edy Iglesias da Silveira
pt ainda estou apreendendo a usar, não tenho opinião consolidada
Greg E
en I just added this extension an hour ago, and when the tutorial said to look up towards the upper right corner, there was NO Extension to click. I know it did download; but, I can't find any evidence of its existence. I'll play around with it some more; but I don't want to download it AGAIN. The only thing that I was able to find is the option to DELETE it. Which seems what I will have to do. Too Bad 😞.
Azzam Abdulmonam alshibany
en templates is asoom tool you can have
Виталий Ильин
ru сделал письмо, а оно не отправляется, мне на почту так и не упало
dat Nguyenmanh
en Nice
Kiên Lê
en good
Jeffrey Hales
en Garbage.
Maximiliano Gómez
es No funciona, terminas pidiendo a un chat ayuda, y te pide un mail, seguramente para mandar spam, el avatar de quien te ayuda es una chica sexi, que casualidad...
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