Material Gray

A minimalistic gray material design inspired theme.

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 50)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.28
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65% (15)
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9% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Good Morning
en good
Celso Vieira
pt Ficou ruim no Chrome Refresh 2023. O botão de pesquisar guias não está na mesma cor do fundo, as abas em segundo plano e o botão de adicionar abas com uma cor um pouco mais clara do que o fundo, a linha que divide as abas também com uma cor mais clara, mas o pior são os botões minimizar, restaurar e fechar, que ficaram na cor branca.
ru Шикарно
Eric Kerr
en Nicely done! Clean!
first name last name
en Browser doesn't look much different from standard. The home page is not pretty at all. Lasted less than 5 minutes. I like the dark theme more, but again the home page was not that good and all was a bit too dark, K'm just trying to see the active tab more clearly with the new windows dark theme.
Bruno de Medeiros Bastos
en The best gray, clear and minimalist theme. It is visually pleasant, unlike many other gray ones.
David Vannuyen
en Thanks Stanley Lim
Joy K. Thomas
en simple, clear and doesn't distract from other work when I have to have Chrome up as well
Mark Jang
zh 很棒,只是右上角的最小化、最大化按钮颜色太浅
2018-09-29 A Google user nice
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