Bible Research Helper

This app will help you study the Bible more completely. There is also an option to listen to the bible read aloud to you.

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 28)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.25
All time rating average: 4.07

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Falon Billups
en I loved that everything I need is in one area.
Rene Proulx
Vivienne Mack
en 1John1 1-2 is not correct.
BoJo Johnson
en The search is good. It brings up many options, but I wish there was a way to narrow the spectrum of what appears. For instance when I put in 1,260 days (in word form) Two of the top searches were what I was looking for, but I had to scroll through a bunch of results about the population after the return from exile before I found a third result having to do with the end times. The ability to narrow the search would be great, and also instead of a bar to narrow the field of books, or perhaps in addition to it a list of books, with being able to click on multiple ones would be helpful, and also I would like to be able to access this offline, as my connection is not always the best.
Crystal Morant
en Better than the last app I used.
Tina Rinka
en No choice of Bible Versions
Liz wacharo
en Just what i needed!! God bless you!
Charles Evans
en helps in finding all the information i need for growth...thanks