Reviews of Unicorn Theme

List of user reviews and ratings for Unicorn Theme

Total ratings

3.64 (Rating count: 86)

Review summary

  • Pretty pastel colors, especially blues and purples.
  • Users appreciate the theme's aesthetic appeal.
  • Colors do not necessitate a preference for unicorns.
  • Lack of unicorn imagery in the design.
  • Main background is bland and too plain.
  • Gray buttons and URL bar detract from the theme.
Most mentioned
  • Desire for an actual unicorn design in the theme.
  • Overall aesthetic and color scheme is beautiful.
  • Users express disappointment in the lack of visual elements.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 3.64
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en I love the tab colors as they are pretty pastel blues and purples but I don't like the gray top right buttons (minimize, maximize, close) and the beigey-gray that is the URL bar. I also wish that the main background when opening a new tab wasn't just white as it takes away from the softness of the tab colors.
Leira U
en I was having anxiety over choosing a dark purple theme before and I found this... love it!
Luciana Miranda
es esperaba algo mas....
es Es el mejor tema del mundo.
Carolyn Lee
en the best one i ever seen soooo beautiful 😍🎀
en to A Google User who said THIS THEME SUCKS HOW CAN YOU LIKE IT YOU MINDLESS PEOPLE ONLY A TRUE DUMMY WOULD LIKE THIS:you suckfish of a dumbass its the colors your the true dummy theres not supposed to be a unicorn this is true art unlike your logic
en I liked the colors of the theme but I wish the main background had an actual unicorn.
es Esta bonito pero no tiene fondo ni nada se ve muy vacío
Yomarling Severino
es me encanta
Alyssa Eden
en It shows perfectly at the top! But I wish there was a unicorn.
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