Simple Sequence

Simple Sequence is the fastest way to draw UML diagrams online (Sequence Diagram in 0.3.x.x only).

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3.78 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.78

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Oliver Weise
en Searched for about an hour for the best way to sketch a sequence diagram , finally landing at this tool. Being doubtful at first I just started to work with it and found that this is actually the best/easiest way to sketch sequences. Now that I found I can export the diagram via right-click I am actually completely satisfied.
Dale DeMott
en Okay for simple projects. Much of it is lacking. I give it a C.
John Welborn
en This is a great concept that needs some fine tuning. If I hit insert sample code, it doesn't insert, it replaces my code! No way to get my code back. Tab key should insert a tab / indent. perhaps add public / private designations? There doesn't seem to be a way to define methods on an object that aren't directly called from the user. Really love the idea. Keep working on it!
Petr Kozelka
en Cool, easy to use for many seqs. I especially love the textual input as it is it easy to persist elsewhere, and I don't have to bother with layouting... What I am missing: - async messages - possibility to rename the initial "CLIENT" node