Cloud MindMap

The Mind mapping tool that enables you to create and edit mind maps. You can open and save a mindmap file with your Google Drive.

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 27)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and straightforward to use
  • Ability to save maps and edit later, including saving to Google Drive
  • Good functionality for a cloud-based mind mapping tool
  • User interface is considered outdated and unattractive
  • Presence of distracting ads affecting usability
  • Limited features such as no multiline nodes or pictures
Most mentioned
  • Not intuitive or difficult to use
  • Issues with ads impacting display and functionality
  • Lack of certain features that are common in other mind mapping tools
See reviews for Cloud MindMap on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.59

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Rishik Dhar
en Not very intuitive. First 60 seconds were totally a waste. Can't use an app if it doesn't make sense in first 60 seconds.
A Google user
en Old looking and Ugly design Difficult to use Not good to work inspired...
Juan Oro Vanella
es Simple y concreta, perfecto para lo que buscaba. Puedes guardar el mapa para luego seguir editándolo, tanto en tu ordenador como en Google Drive si prefieres. Puedes exportar como imagen. Cumple con todo lo que se necesita.
Vincent LORET
en Minimalist No multiline nodes No pictures Quite ugly (large rainbow arrows...) Too many adds
Gio Amores
en it really didnt help me with what i needed
Brandon Lawrence
en ok ya know
Susana Gutiérrez
es buena la utilice junto con mi hermana en su laptop
Morgan Roberts
en Had a lot of promise up until you opted for Google Ads. It's ruined the display and as such... functionality. On a 13in screen the Google Add column takes up 1 inch of horizontal space in Chrome Browser. Maybe look for other ways to monetize the app...Until then back to Mindmup...
ja シンプルかつ扱いやすいクラウドマインドマップソフトです。以前はmindmanagerを使用していましたが時折動きがもっさりし、操作の遅延による入力ミスによりイライラさせられましたが、こちらはクラウドであることを忘れるほどスムーズな動きを見せてくれます。
en Good first version, but lacks ability to import existing maps from various formats, for example Freemind (.mm) which is a great free mind mapping tool. I'd also love to be able to insert objects (lines, boxes) into a background layer beneath the mind map, for more visual organization.