Dokobit e-signing and e-identification

Easily and securely sign legally binding documents on Dokobit e-signing portal and login to various e-services of Dokobit partners

Total ratings

3.10 (Rating count: 21)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works nicely with Lithuanian Identity Card on Windows 10.
  • Works flawlessly on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
  • Functions well on OSX 10.11.
  • Compatible across multiple operating systems.
  • ID card signing does not work on macOS.
  • ID card does not launch with the extension.
  • Users report issues with token recognition and poor user experience.
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ID card signing on macOS.
  • Lithuanian Identity Card works well on Windows.
  • Problems related to token not being found.
See reviews for Dokobit e-signing and e-identification on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.63
All time rating average: 3.10

Rating filters

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25% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jonas M.
en ID card signing doesn't work on macOS (neither Intel, nor Apple Silicon Macs), gets stuck at loading "Prašome palaukti"
Sarunas Balnys
en ID card does not work with this extention. It does not launch when you use the id card. However works with other signing methods
en Lithuanian Identity Card works nicely on Windows 10.
Migle Varnagire
en Doesn't work, says that token hasn't been found, but I've downloaded and installed it. When I try to register on the website, it doesn't provide necessary steps and I keep getting to the same page, downloading the same package and it still doesn't work. Very poor user experience.
Tom As
en no more JAVA! Tank you.
Žilvinas Kuusas
en Works like a charm on OSX 10.11!
Mindaugas Liubinas
en Ubuntu 14.04 LTS works flawlessly.
Paulius Podolskis
en Works perfect in all OS'es - Win, Mac & Linux. Real saver!