Reviews of Dark Void - Minimalistic Black Theme

List of user reviews and ratings for Dark Void - Minimalistic Black Theme

Total ratings

4.52 (Rating count: 134)

Review summary

  • Great dark theme
  • Minimalistic and clean design
  • Handles tab focus well, allowing users to differentiate active and inactive tabs
  • Consistently praised by long-term users
  • Recent updates removed tab highlight, making it hard to identify active tabs
  • Large watermark or tag decal on new tab pages is off-putting for some users
  • Presence of advertising spoils the overall theme experience
Most mentioned
  • Excellent dark theme
  • Discreet watermark could be improved
  • Tab focus handling
  • Advertising issues
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Dark Void - Minimalistic Black Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.52
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Rating filters

5 star
69% (27)
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18% (7)
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5% (2)
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1 star
8% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Colt S
en Fantastic
Undisclosed Name
en Was the best dark theme for years. Now latest chrome update did something that removed the tab highlight so now you can't tell what tab you're on unless you got enough tabs that only the current tab has the 'X' close button.
Roberto Pablo Rios Siliceo
en This is the only dark theme that handles tab focus correctly. It makes all inactive darks, and the active one a bit lighter. In others extensions, either you can't identify it, or they make all inactive lighter, making the theme more gray than black.
Volkner Bat
en Best one yet
ru Лучшая тема которой я когда либо пользовался. Пользуюсь примерно 2 года. Однозначно 5 звезд
Adán Reséndiz
pt Excelente theme
Ǝj Lazaro
en Very nice. simple and clean!
Kayla Tarnowski
en I like it alot. but the watermark could be more discreet
A Google user
en just black
Devid Som
en look cool
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