inboxy: Inbox Bundles for Gmail

Adds Google Inbox bundles to Gmail

Total ratings

4.74 (Rating count: 39)

Review summary

  • Brings order to Gmail inbox and enhances productivity
  • Restores functionality lost with Google Inbox's discontinuation
  • Simple and clean interface
  • Highly recommended by users
  • Indispensable for managing email effectively
  • Limited options for customization (e.g., archiving option can't be disabled)
  • Bugs, including graphical glitches and occasional scroll jumps
  • Lack of support for mobile Gmail apps
  • Keyboard navigation integration needs improvement
Most mentioned
  • Wish for label colors in bundles
  • Desire for more customization options
  • Amazed by its effectiveness
  • Concerns about bugs but not game-breaking
  • Need for better keyboard navigation
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for inboxy: Inbox Bundles for Gmail on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.74
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Rating filters

5 star
78% (31)
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18% (7)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alejandro Díaz-Caro
en Love it. It would be nice to have the colors of the lavels, since they help a lot to identify them.
Chris Joynt
en Very good extension. If I could make bundles for nested labels it would be a solid 5
ja 全体的にはいい拡張機能だと思います。 ただし、 - オプションの Group messages by date が機能していません。 - bundleの際に、ラベルごとに分けたものを上段にもってきてもらえると見やすくなるので、検討してほしいです。
Samdish Suri
en This is sooo amazing. I have been able to bring order to my unruly 15 year old Gmail account using this. Why is this not native to Gmail? I wish this worked on Gmail mobile apps too, because without it they are a mess.
David Sire
en It's so simple, I do understand why Gmail doesn't have native functionality for this!
Sebastian Vollmer
en I really really like it, but since I have to use gmail in German, it doesn't suit me. I'd gladly help with a translation if you want. (for free)
Sung Ryoo
en Thank the Lord....
Phil Dalencour
en If the gmail team ever breaks this... mind you, I've only had it on for 20 seconds... I swear I'll knock over at least one of those androids behind the google store in mtv if they dare touch this international treasure. thank you inboxymail team. super clean and well implemented utility you've created here. Just a touch of the best of. That separate by day thing alone is a huge improvement... but the bundles?! #chefskiss
Adrià Vilanova Martínez
en I can't believe this extension only has ~1000 users. It's the best Gmail extension ever: This has made me 10x more productive dealing with my Inbox on a daily basis. Thank you so much Teresa! :)
Fergus Semler
en Inboxy is brilliant! Indispensable! Thans you so much. It restored the bundling that we (and the sanity that I) lost when Google Inbox was discontinued. One feature I'd like would be to have an option to have the label colour used in the bundle heading.
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