Gin Rummy

Gin Rummy is a fun and modern version of the famous 'draw and discard' card game of the 'Rummy' family games.

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4.54 (Rating count: 300)
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Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.54
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en gt
Heater Case
en My main gripe is the computer will change my melds against my will, often leaving me with more deadwood that I had. Believe it or not, there IS strategy in gin rummy and this features prevents that.
Dolores Kaulbach
en Easy but some challenge, fun!
en Easy to use. Good competition.
Tibor Budai
hu élvezetesen játszható, tetszetős. Csak ajánlani tudom.
Gina Montenegro
es me gusta, es entretenido y fácil de usar
Lynda Papaioannou
en So glad I found this game, thank you. The only thing that I found annoying is when I get a card from the pile, I get details of who is playing, so have to clear that away. Well done, thanks again.
Andell Johnson
en awesome game, could be better with the option for different difficulty levels, in game challenges and online multiplayer mode!
Angie Hood
en the BEST gin rummy online platform out there.
Roberto Mannoni
it gioco molto ben fatto sarebbe bello avere delle sfide con avversari on line
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