
Analyze Google™ Docs Revisions

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 109)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and easy to use
  • Effective at tracking document revisions
  • Helps detect plagiarism and unauthorized edits
  • Provides detailed insights into document changes
  • Maintains document integrity and accuracy
    Most mentioned
    • Tracks Google Docs revisions
    • Detects plagiarism and unauthorized edits
    • Shows who made each change in the document
    • Provides a detailed overview of edits and changes
    • Valuable for maintaining document integrity
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 5.00
    All time rating average: 5.00
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    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Laura Rothschild
    en DocTrackr is a premium-grade add-on for Google Docs users who require document tracking and protection. It is user-friendly, effective, and an excellent tool for ensuring accuracy in documents, as well as helping to avoid plagiarism.
    Sudharshan Reddy
    en DocTrackr is a top tier extension for Google Docs users who need to monitor and protect their documents. It’s easy to use, efficient, and a valuable resource for maintaining document accuracy and preventing plagiarism.
    Abhinay Reddy
    en DocTrackr is an essential tool for tracking Google Docs revisions, helping you monitor changes, detect plagiarism, and ensure document integrity with ease
    Pradeep Narwal
    en It’s a valuable tool for detecting plagiarism, unauthorized edits, and AI-generated content, making it ideal for maintaining document integrity and accuracy.
    en DocTrackr is an invaluable tool for tracking Google Docs revisions, offering detailed insights into changes, including user identification and content analysis. Perfect for detecting plagiarism or unauthorized edits, it’s a must have for maintaining document integrity
    Yuhesk Vjvc
    en It's a vital resource for anyone using Google Docs. It tracks and evaluates document updates with ease, displaying who made each change and what was changed.
    Nikita Prajapathi
    en DocTrackr is a must have extension that simplifies tracking and analyzing revisions in Google Docs. Whether you are a writer, educator, or professional dealing with sensitive or collaborative content, this tool offers a straightforward way to monitor changes, ensuring document integrity.
    en is an invaluable tool for anyone working with Google Docs. It effortlessly tracks and analyzes document revisions, showing who made each change and what was altered
    Sudharshan Pande
    en The extension is incredibly easy to use, and it provides a detailed overview of every change made to my documents, including who made the change, the content, and even word counts. This is especially helpful for detecting plagiarism or unauthorized edits.
    en This is an essential tool for tracking Google Docs revisions, helping you monitor changes, identify contributors, and detect plagiarism or unauthorized content edits with ease
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