Linker is a Chrome extension that enables you to instantly share links with your friends. With just two clicks, you can send links to any email address. Linker provides email notifications and tracks when your links are clicked and opened. It is a fast, simple, and lightweight way to share and keep track of links. Never lose a link your friends sent you with Linker's searchable feature. Visit for more information.
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★ Linker allows you to send links to your friends directly from browser. ★
Instantly send links to your friends emails, and know when your links were read and opened!
✔ Fast: Just 2 clicks to send link to any email address!
✔ Simple: The recipients get email with link and/or browser notification with you link you sent!
✔ Tracked: Immediately know if your links has been clicked and opened!
✔ Light: Don't think twice before sending a link – whether it is serious reading or just interesting site.
✔ Searchable: Never loose a links your friends sent you - all of your links are stored, and easy to find and retrieve.
✔ Easy: To send a link just click on the button near the page address in your browser and select recipient. That's it!
✔ Dynamic: Links can be later exported to email, social network, bookmarks and other apps.
La piattaforma nella versione free, non permette l'importazione di file html, assente la multi-selezione delle cartelle e il trascinamento libero per personalizzare l'ordine delle cartelle.
Per il resto la piattaforma è valida, ma molto limitata poichè sono presenti gruppi (workspaces) con i contatori di cartelle e links (le sottocartelle sono disponibili nella versione a pagamento) e le cartelle.
Presente il pin per appuntare collegamenti in cima alla lista e la copia del link; presente la multi-selezione dei collegamenti, ma altro problema, non è possibile aprire insieme i collegamenti selezionati o aprire tutti i collegamenti di una cartella e non è possibile il trascinamento dei collegamenti nelle altre cartelle.
Altro problema è che i gruppi non mostrano l'elenco delle cartelle, ma vengono visualizzate con un solo aspetto; le cartelle non possono essere trascinate verso altri gruppi, ma solo spostate singolarmente tramite pulsante.
(english version)
The free edition of the platform does not support the import of HTML files, nor does it offer free dragging to rearrange folders in any sequence.
The platform is valid for the remainder, but it is quite limited because it only allows groups (workspaces) with folders and link counters (subfolders are only available in the commercial version).
Provides the option to pin links to the top of the list and to copy them.
Multi-selection of links is present, but another problem, it is not possible to open the selected links together or open all the links in a folder and it is not possible to drag the links into other folders.
Another problem is that the groups do not show the list of folders, but are displayed with only one aspect;
folders cannot be dragged to other groups, but only moved individually using a button.
Linker is risky to use as it requires a number of sensitive permissions that can
potentially harm your browser and steal your data. Exercise caution when installing this
extension. Review carefully before installing. We recommend that you only
if you trust the publisher.
Risk likelihood
Linker has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.