Gmail 'Expand all' keyboard shortcut

Press Alt+A to expand or collapse a Gmail thread

Total ratings

4.20 (Rating count: 10)

Review summary

  • Fills an important gap in Gmail's keyboard shortcuts
  • Works effectively when in the inbox
  • Many users appreciate the added functionality
  • Provides a feature that should be native to Gmail
  • Not working for many users anymore
  • Options menu is grayed out, limiting customization
  • Functionality seems limited to the inbox view only
  • Occasional re-opening of email threads unexpectedly
Most mentioned
  • Not working anymore
  • Thankful for the extension
  • Options menu inaccessible
  • Works as it should when functional
  • Surprised it isn't a native Gmail feature
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Gmail 'Expand all' keyboard shortcut on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.20

Rating filters

5 star
63% (5)
4 star
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25% (2)
2 star
1 star
13% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ami Weinberg
en Was great while it lasted. It looks like this is now obsolete and unsupported. I recommend switching to Gmail Shortcuts and customizing the desired keys. See: &
Elizabeth Anne Fleming
en It's not working anymore. Not sure why, it was awesome when it worked! I hope this gets fixed or I can figure if it's user error... I re-installed it and it's still not working.
en WHERE has this been all my life!?! THANK YOU developer for a feature that Google should have made native years ago!!!!!
ivan jovovic
en Works as it should. Nice one!
Jiří Sedláček
en Built in Gmail keyboard shortcuts are sufficient for me. ; : Expand entire conversation : : Collapse entire conversation
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
en Perfectly fills a small and important gap in Gmail's set of keyboard shortcuts.
Alex H Yong
en Works. Glad I found but honestly surprised I needed an extension. This should be part of Gmail naturally IMHO
Tomas Berdych
en Work perfect. But i can not change shortcut key. Help me.