FlyOrDie Reversi

Online reversi game. Play against others over the Internet.

Total ratings

3.64 (Rating count: 25)
See reviews for FlyOrDie Reversi on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.64

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Junier Gonzalez
es me encanta
kami z
en this game online is very good
Mark and Cheryl Patterson
en It's actually a web site, but the app leads directly to the game module embedded in the site, so it's not far removed from being a standalone app. It just happens that you can get there by bookmark, also. This site is, as far as I can tell, the best place to play Reversi online with real people, complete with all of the usual cheaters who have an algorithm running alongside their browser window. The ranking system is meaningless, but you learn more here than from playing against a computer.
Luiz silveira
en very good
Pat M.
fr demande une mise a joue java et ne fonctionne pas sur chrome a jour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!