Simple Ravens

Simple Ravens Theme by p.fil Baltimore NFL AFC North American Football Sports

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 49)
See reviews for Simple Ravens on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.29

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33% (3)
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44% (4)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jonathan Sims
en It needs more to it than just a plan view. A better Ravens background or show different pics of Raven players on the team past and present.
Suggs 55
en Like it, but it breaks the border around my chrome window. Chops off and duplicates a 2 pixel line across the top and does something funky to the close button occasionally.
Rishi Kandimalla
en it was good but there is not a good background
Cliff Bigrhs
en Like it !
Gabriel Torres
es Esta de huevos me encanto.
Beanz Morris jr
en i want it
Nehaal Kathuria
en Its ok but needs a nice Ravens pic when you open a new tab. Great. GO RAVENS!!!
Aaron Dyson
en I have to always show my support for the Ravens every football season.
Maria Shields
en love this, so cool