Ratings Preview for Youtube™

You can view the number of thumbs up vs thumbs down button that video has before deciding whether to watch the video.

Ratings Preview for Youtube™ - Chrome Extension

Ratings Preview for Youtube™ is a Chrome extension designed to enhance your Youtube browsing experience. This tool shows the number of likes and dislikes a video has, represented as bars over the video thumbnail on Youtube. This data is displayed before you click on the video, saving your time and helping you choose only the best rated Youtube videos. Rather than wasting time on content with poor ratings, let this extension guide you to high-quality videos based on Youtube's data API. Navigation of Youtube's vast range of videos has never been this easy.
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Extension stats

Manifest V3
By: Cool Apps
Users: 969
Rating: 2.82
Version: 3.0.1 (Last updated: 2023-06-08)
Creation date: 2020-04-21
  • scripting
  • storage
Host permissions:
  • *://*.youtube.com/*
  • *://*.returnyoutubedislikeapi.com/*
Size: 182.27K
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Rating Preview for Youtube (v1.0.2)
228 2.80 (9)

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Improves YouTube viewing experience
  • Works well on multiple browsers (e.g., OperaGX)
  • Super clutch feature for users
  • Does not always work as expected
  • Lacks customization options
  • New design is not user-friendly compared to the old design
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work
  • Want percentage of likes vs. dislikes
  • Need for better customization options
User reviews
It seems to be working well so far, I just wish it would actually show the percentage of likes to dislikes without having to hover over the thumbnail! Can you please make this adjustment?
by Chatting Manager, 2024-10-13

Decent app, but could be a lot better. I'd pay for a proper version of this. One that allows changing colors, changing placement of the ratings preview, showing the percentage of likes vs. dislikes. Still decent as it is, but too simple. Has much more potential.
by The King, 2024-03-26

Super clutch! Thank you.
by W BB, 2023-10-12
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Ratings Preview for Youtube™ requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Request access to the following domains: youtube.com, returnyoutubedislikeapi.com
  • High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Ratings Preview for Youtube™. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • High This extension has low user count. Unpopular extensions may not be stable or safe.
  • Medium **** ********* *** *** **** *******
  • Low **** ********* *** ******* **** **** * ****** **** ***** ******** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Promo images

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