Otipo - Online Employee Scheduling

Online Employee Scheduling which helps to reduce turnover and increase productivity.

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3.00 (Rating count: 2)
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.00

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Emma Knox Kenan Library
en I give it 4 stars because it is free for groups of 10 or less. We have only 3 employees. It has a lot of promise. I left off a star because it is difficult to edit a shift when for example you leave Saturday and Sunday checked when you are closed on the weekends. I can't even find a way to delete a shift. I am sure there must be a way, I just can't find it. The learning curve, (even with the vdos) takes a lot of time. I work the front desk of a rural library and experience about 70 to 80 people per day and about 20 to 30 phone calls per day. Not much quality time to learn anything. This seems to be a new application and I will probably come back and give it 5 stars. :-) PS there is an itty bitty red circle with an "x" in the middle. this allows you to delete the whole shift. Overall - a good application!