Red Fox Snow Theme

A wintery theme featuring a red fox in the snow.

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 1,606)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Clean and aesthetically pleasing design
  • Adorable fox image that many users love
  • Stable and enjoyable theme that enhances user experience
  • No overlapping elements, allowing for clear visibility of tabs
  • Users tend to return to this theme after trying others
  • Desire for a dark mode option
  • Some users find the fox image positioning may need adjustments
  • Issues with font visibility in certain areas
Most mentioned
  • Long-term usage and loyalty to the theme
  • Overall user satisfaction with the theme's appearance
  • Requests for updates or modifications, such as dark mode support
See reviews for Red Fox Snow Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.71
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Rating filters

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85% (241)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en I've had this theme for years and haven't had the urge to change it. After a fresh windows install I'm going through display customization, redownloading chrome and extensions, and now onto chrome theme. "Shopped" around a bit but nothing looks like I'll have a nicer user experience than with what I'm used to. No one really ever sees my screen but I feel like I was once complimented on the theme long ago or that they acknowledged it at least when I changed it to this. Clean like having no theme but personalized and polished at the same time.
kiree Malaku
en it works I love it!
Трофім Черепащук
ru у меня нет лисички только верху закладки синие а так норм но хочетса лиси
Miguel Francisco
pt Amo raposas, muito lindo mesmo. Amei!!
יעקב ליף
iw עדיף שהשועל יהיה קצת יותר קרוב לאמצע
Man Jr. Productions
en Simple clean fox theme that was just what I needed 🦊😄
Maria Erimia
en FINALLY A NORMAL ONE i searched the whole chrome web store to find something with snow fitting my screen
Jenny Cavender
en What can I say? After reading these reviews, I have found my people.
Mohammed Redha
en I downloaded this wallpaper when I was in middle school, now I'm a grown man, and to this day I still use it. After 10 years, I think it's time for a change. Thank you, and goodbye.
Adriana Fayad
en So cute and relaxing theme... The fox is adorable at the right below corner, nothing overlaps it. The tabs are nice and clear to see them. Love it!
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