Awesome Cute Anime Theme

Just found this image while surfing, not sure there it is from a anime but well, who cares :) it's nice!

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 269)

Review summary

  • Aesthetic appeal of Kurumi Tokisaki imagery
  • Simple and elegant design that elevates the Chrome experience
  • Popular character from Date A Live, resonating with fans
  • Image is often cut off or not fully visible on certain screen resolutions
  • Some users experienced issues with the theme appearing too small or duplicating on the screen
  • Lack of clarity on how to remove or change the theme
Most mentioned
  • Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A Live as the main character
  • Image cut-off affecting the overall appearance
  • Positive reactions to the aesthetic and mood provided by the theme
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Awesome Cute Anime Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.29
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Rating filters

5 star
64% (51)
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19% (15)
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4% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
enomate Kid
Kurumi Tokisaki
Jamal Jarvis
en Simple design, just writing this to tell you that it's Kurumi Tokisaki from the Anime Date A Live :D
Divaa varma
en Its cool gurl i like this image but if did like add dark and a bit neony to this it wiil be pawsome
Nina Like
en i love this mood i feel like a baaddie with this on my screen
Katherine Pizarro
es Esta buenisimo el fondo, de hecho uno de los mejores, pero tiene el detalle que no se ve completa, la imagen de google le tapa toda la cara y el brazo... o sea le quita todo lo bello.
ivan florez
es con una actitud dominadora, elegante y despreocupada esta imagen manipula su tiempo, siendo muy buena para mejorar tu ventana de google chrome, darle un poco mas de clase.
Nothing Is Left Now
en Yeah, it's nice theme. To those who are wondering, that's Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A Live.
Татьяна Чернова
ru Ярлык так и не появился, куда добавилось, непонятно
João Gottardo
en This girl come from Date Alive
Maeda Kazuya
en Picture was way too small. It started to duplicate the picture again top half.
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