Universe 3 1440p

A dark space theme.

Total ratings

4.69 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful colors and design
  • Great continuity and blending of background with top menu and tabs
  • High contrast tabs, making them easy to see
  • Tabs are a little hard to see (transparent)
  • Main page could have a higher resolution photo for 4k monitors
  • Address bar and favorites could use more color
Most mentioned
  • Love the colors
  • Tabs are hard to see
  • Artist showed great attention to detail
See reviews for Universe 3 1440p on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.69

Rating filters

5 star
67% (4)
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33% (2)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
49ers Since 1989
en Great theme but wish the main page had a higher res photo for 4k monitors.
en Cool background
Julian Nordgren
en Truly beautiful.
zhanjun tuo
zh 最喜欢的星空主题!
Annika Kupo
en love the colors. so gorgeous. my only complaint is the tabs are a a little hard to see at the top (transparent ?) and just a personal preference
Ken Thompson Jr
en I gotta tell ya - I've scanned through hundreds of these things . . .this one, the artist took the time to make sure continuity was carried throughout! The background blends perfectly into the top menu and tabs, but also made the tabs high contrast which is great when you're making use of the colorized tab-groups, , ,only thing I would like to see is just a little more color in the address bar and fav's. . . keep it up!