Reviews of - Online Photo Editor

List of user reviews and ratings for - Online Photo Editor

Total ratings

3.78 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for - Online Photo Editor on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 3.78

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
A Google user
en This was one of the first apps I installed on Chrome, and I was happy with it. It is simple, performs as described, and had no issues. Now I'm much more involved with image editing, and this app is just too simple for my needs. Thanks!
Lawrence Kasparowitz
en the best out there !! Simple interface that works... I converted color pics to b&w for a book and got terrific results. Forget the others.
quang hung Lai (eWallet)
en xf
Héctor Enrique Peña
es Es el único que me permite recuperar imágenes de esas que uno se baja para la soledad y window no quiere colaborar mucho.
Blossom Storms
en The feature were easy to use but some functions simply wouldn't work and it would freeze constantly and i would lose my work. If everything actually worked it would be a nice simple program.