Sword Art Online 09 - 1920x1080

This is the Sword Art Online Anime theme Optimized For Google Chrome the theme will not be fully displayed on screens smaller than…

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 166)

Review summary

  • Looks really pretty and has great colors
  • Good design and peaceful theme
  • Best theme some users have seen
  • Does not fit screen properly
  • Watermark is too large
  • Cuts off important content at the top
  • Hard to read tab labels and see open tabs
  • Some users reported not being able to remove it
Most mentioned
  • Does not line up or fit the screen
  • Watermark is too big
  • Cuts off the top of images
  • Pretty colors/design
  • Difficulty reading tab labels
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Sword Art Online 09 - 1920x1080 on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.25
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Rating filters

5 star
52% (32)
4 star
8% (5)
3 star
16% (10)
2 star
8% (5)
1 star
15% (9)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
jhersòn hidalgo
se buguea pesimo 9/03/2024 16:39pm
Red Dragon
en The water mark the creator put is just a drop to big for me!
Eva Sanchez
en If it didn't cut off at the top and lined up, it would be perfect.
Brandon Hatfield
en I love the look of it so props to the designer but I can't read my tab labels.
Blue Eyes X
es Es el mejor tema que he visto hasta ahora 20/10 me encanta te quedo GOOOD! ;)
Cali Girly
en pretty colors but it doesnt line up at all
Germán Plúas Tomala
es me encanta
Bảo Nam Đinh
vi chán vl
en It's super cool but it cuts off the top pf everyone on my screen
Lorenzo Delvecchio
it io non ho mai installato questa cosa e non ho idea di come ci sia finita, peraltro non riesco a rimuoverla
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