Gucci Wallpapers Theme Gucci New Tab

Get Full HD Wallpapers of Gucci for new tab. Gucci Wallpapers Theme

Gucci Wallpapers Theme Gucci New Tab

Extension stats

Manifest V2 Overrides new tab
Users: 143
Version: 1.0 (Last updated: 2019-08-25)
  • *://*
  • activeTab
  • storage
  • cookies
  • management
  • topSites
  • webNavigation
  • *://*
  • *://*
  • *://*
  • See more
Size: 13.01M
Price: Free
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

Extension safety

Risk impact

Gucci Wallpapers Theme Gucci New Tab requires a lot of sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Grants access to browser tabs, which can be used to track user browsing habits and history, presenting a privacy concern.
  • Critical ******* ****** ** *** ********* ******** *********** **************** ************ ************** ***************** *************** ************** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ******* ********** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ******* ******* ********** ****** ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** *********** ********** ********** ********** ****** ********** ********** ********** ***** ******* ****** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ****** ********** ********** ****** ********** ****** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ****** ****** ********** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ****** ********** ********** ********** ******* ****** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ****** ******* ********** ******* ******* ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ****** ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ********** ******* ********** ******* ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ********** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ********** ********** ******* ******* ********** ******* ****** ******* ****** ****** ********** ******* ****** ******* ****** ********** ****** ******* ********** ********** ****** ****** ****** ******
  • High ****** ********* ** * ****** ******** ******** ********** * ******* ******* *****
  • High ****** ************* **** ***** *********** *********** *********** ******** ****** ******* ******** *************
  • Medium ******* ***** *********** ***** ****** ********* *** ***** ********* **** **** ************** *** ********
  • Medium ****** ** **** ******* ******** ************ ***** * *** ******* *****
  • Medium *** ***** *** *** ********* ****** ****** *** **** **** ********** ** ****** **** ***********
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Gucci Wallpapers Theme Gucci New Tab. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • Critical This extension was removed from the store due to policy_violation
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Promo images

Gucci Wallpapers Theme Gucci New Tab small promo image
Small promo image

Similar extensions

Here are some Chrome extensions that are similar to Gucci Wallpapers Theme Gucci New Tab: