Assassin Scroll Of Shadows

Platformer type of game where you must undergo a jounrey to discover the lost scrolls of shadows to become the ultimate Assassin.

Total ratings

2.55 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Assassin Scroll Of Shadows on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.29
All time rating average: 2.55

Rating filters

5 star
43% (3)
4 star
14% (1)
3 star
2 star
14% (1)
1 star
29% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Montega Stever
en this game's just simply trash.
Twitchy Toby
en It's an okay game, but the reason why it only got two stars, is because it's almost impossible to play. The controls suck, you can't jump, and ever 5 seconds there is an ad.
Łukasz Kucharski
pl Okropne. Sterowanie do d...y. Nie da się wyjść do menu. Pomysł dobry, ale wykonanie żałosne.
Richard Wood
en I loved this game. It may look simple but believe me it's not, it is challenging and brings the mario brothers type of platformer back to life, but with style. I liked the concept and cool music. I'd like to see maybe special powers in the future - other than that, great work!
Ashley Kurt
en The game character is so cool. This is very user-friendly game
Warren Brown
en Great game. Can wait for the next one :-)
Werner Oosthuizen
en Really nice game, and cool graphics ! :)