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Extension summary
Recall lets you highlight and add notes to any website. Keep your notes private, or tag others to start a discussion right on the page.
Collaborate - Tag others in a note, or share a link that allows others to reply to your note directly on the page.
Search - Notes are stored and searchable, letting you maintain a history of highlights that you can easily find later.
Publish - Notes can be grouped into Reading Lists, which you can publish privately or publicly. You readers can read your notes directly on the page, and respond to you in the margin.
How people are using Recall Students - Using Recall to capture notes across different sources during a research project. Podcasters - Using Recall to highlight articles to reference during an episode. Journalists - Using Recall to share highlights with colleagues that are relevant to their reporting.
User reviews
Extension safety
Risk impact
Recall requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
Recall may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.
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