Open GitHub in IDE

Open GitHub files links in your IDE

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4.22 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent rating average: 3.83
All time rating average: 4.22

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
David K.
en it works good, but it would be awesome to have multiple icons (chekbox for IDE settings instead of radio) so i can open something quick in Vscode, other things in webstorm, intellij idea, android studio depending on the project or file types etc.
Jérôme Tamarelle
en Good extension, but unfortunately the PHPStorm button is displayed over the line number in a PR. I cannot share a permalink with this extension enbled. I'd prefer the button to be in the context menu.
en How to use this?
Lindsey K
en Really love this useful extension! I use it on my Windows machine with Chrome and have used with Opera as well. Great job!
Igor Leahu
en works really well on a mac, with WebStorm
Darga Darga
Perfect, thank you! FYI you have to use a path like `Users/[username]/dev`, not `~/dev`