

Translate selected or entered text

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4.03 (Rating count: 800)
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Tek yapmanız gereken anlamadığınız kelimeyi veya cümleyi seçmek sonra eklenti simgesine tıklayınca direkt size çeviriyo zaten. Ha tabii isterseniz kopyala yapıştır da yapabiliyosunuz keyfiniz bilir. Veya seçtiğiniz metne sağ tıklayıp da çevir de diyebiliyorsunuz. Diğerlerinde yok kopyalıcan da yapıştırcan da sonra tıklıcan çevircek ya da yeni sekme açıyo beni google translate'e götürüyo falan, kullanışsız ve yavaşlar. Bu eklentide böyle bişey yok, seç yazını, eklentiye tıkla, minimal bi sekmeyle olduğun sayfada sana çevirsin müthiş
Ahmet Koç
Ahmet Koç
Harika bir eklenti
José FL.
José FL.
Es extensión mas útil que tengo, traduce de manera rápida y super cómoda, solo tengo que ver el pequeño panel para ver la traducción de lo que seleccione, simplemente perfecto.
Admin Адіністратор
Admin Адіністратор
Це найкращій перекладач з тих яких я тільки бачив
2020-09-23 Vitto Po I have reinstalled the extension. But, as I said, in my review on Edge extension site- the idea is great, but the execution is NOT. Pragma, Naver, IBM, Apertium and what is the saddest - Deepl do not work. These options ought to be either deleted from the list of services or fixed so as it creates an impression that this application is not ready. And the voice for all translators is that from Google.Is it possible to have selection of voices from various translators such as Microsoft, Promt, Yandex or Naver? I am grateful for this extension but it should be altered a bit and cleansed of glitches and errors. After that it will be a piece of outstanding software. Thank you. P.S. Will you, please, add Dictionarist into the list of your services? Their extension has disappeared but the dictonary is superb. I should like to see more modern interface. Thank you in advance.
dima mandryka
dima mandryka
Ну наконец этот переводчик перекочевал из оперы
Marche bien. Detects well the source language.
Marwan Hamida
Marwan Hamida
you need to add history feature like xtranslate extention also add choose to just make arrow above word or mark full word by blue then automatic extention translate word
2020-08-09 chura saru good
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