Mute Tab

Restores the 'Mute Tab' functionality of versions prior to Chrome 71.

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 176)

Review summary

  • Convenient and useful for muting specific tabs without affecting the foreground tab.
  • Works as described for most users.
  • Great for avoiding audio advertisements on platforms like Spotify.
  • Recently broken due to Chrome updates, with issues in muting functionality.
  • New Chrome features interfere with the extension's ability to function properly.
  • Extension may cause confusion with site-wide muting and can lead to unexpected behavior.
Most mentioned
  • Broken after recent Chrome updates.
  • Can mute background tabs without affecting the foreground.
  • Alternative native Chrome features may negate the need for the extension.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.35
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
David Sunday
en good!!
zh 可以对不同音频标签页进行静音操作
Toon Jane
en Cannot mute tabs when you're not on those you wanna mute. Sorry to say this but there's no need for this extension when you can enable tab muting on chrome without any extension. I suggest you google "mute tab chrome" and look for a thread from reddit.
Deo Korusu
en Honestly exactly what I was looking for after switching from Edge, who uses the mute tab feature. Not sure why Chrome removed it but glad someone made an extension for it thats very use to use.
Liam Stubbs
en Works fine. Was updated literally the day after the comment about it not being maintained lol
Miles Lin
en It's a nice extension but it will be removed soon and the original developer no longer maintains it. So i have upgraded it based on this extension:
Flyingfish Lucent
en It's so convenient and useful, why stop the support ;-(
Oskari Nieminen
en works, gonna have to switch completely to firefox sometime soon when google blocks these
zadff joh
en love it, it can avoid Spotify's audio advertisements ^_^
Luiz Silva
en only one that mutes background tabs without muting the foreground also, if they're from the same domain.
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