HoverCam for Chrome

HoverCam App for Chrome

Total ratings

2.33 (Rating count: 18)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to download and set up.
  • Allows zooming, taking snapshots, and recording videos.
  • Helps facilitate teaching and sharing documents effectively.
  • Frequently stops working and gets stuck on the purple logo.
  • Incompatibility issues with certain devices, especially Chromebooks.
  • Users report being unable to remove the extension.
Most mentioned
  • Does not work at all.
  • Stuck on the purple hovercam logo.
  • Frustration with connectivity issues.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 2.33
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55% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Alex (alex2502)
en broken it seemed like there were a few good features it looked sketchy this is the right one tho
All Things Middle and High School -TPT
en Does not work at all for me using my hovercam flex 8 document camera. When I click on the app, with my camera plugged in, it shows purple hovercam logo. PLEASE FIX THIS. I have a google chrome OS.
Project Prescott
en The school put this on my school Chromebook and then when I went onto my own gaming laptop to look up something, I realized it was on my own laptop on my own account and when i went to remove it long behold... it said I couldn't
Paul Madden - he, him
en I just taught a fellow educator how to use algebra tiles with this. Using google hangouts it helped share a document, sent a clear image, and kept up with my handwriting and movements. Easy to download and was working within seconds!
Jessica Howard
en This app was great until Tuesday this week, and then it just stopped working! :( I have been using it since September this year, and all of a sudden, it just will not connect with my hovercam anymore. It is just stuck on the purple hovercam logo. Very frustrating.
Craig Justice
en The app allows you to zoom, take snap shots and record videos using your Chromebook and the HoverCam document camera.
Melanie Navarro
en Doesn't work!
Atiq Ur Rehman
en dosent work at all
grace bowersox
en sucked really badly who does this stuff idiot's
Lyle Artain
en doesnt work on chrome
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